Green Valley Baptist Association is a Family of Churches Building Bridges Between God and Man, Between Our Churches and Between Churches and the Community.
Our ministries include the following:
- Henderson Community College C.R.O.S.S. Ministry
- The Christmas Jail Ministry
- Disaster Relief
- Associational WMU
- World Changers
- The Kathy J. Strange ANSWER Center
- Mission Funds to enable churches & individuals to participate in mission trips
- Associational Partnership Missions – Local & Abroad
- Continuing Education, Training & Missions Participation for GVBA staff
- Training opportunities through GVBA to our associational church staff
Plus much more!!
Churches that meet in this facility:
- Bridge Church
Breakfast Fellowship with coffee & pastries at 9:30am
Sunday School for all ages at 10:00am
Worship Service at 11:00am (Children's church is availabe & a nursery for your little one)
Wednesday Bible Study at 6:30pm